Mission: R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote Gender Diversity in the R community. As a diversity initiative, the mission of R-Ladies is to achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering people of genders currently underrepresented in the R community. R-Ladies’ primary focus, therefore, is on supporting minority gender R enthusiasts to achieve their programming potential, by building a collaborative global network of R leaders, mentors, learners, and developers to facilitate individual and collective progress worldwide.Contact R-Ladies
You can find more information on R-Ladies in our website and follow us on Twitter . If you are an R-Lady and want to start a chapter near you, please get in touch via info@rladies.org.Forwards
Forwards is a task force set up by the R foundation to improve diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in R Foundation related activities (R core, CRAN, useR!, etc). The task force addresses the underrepresentation of women as well as other groups such as LGBTQ, minority ethnic groups, and people with disabilities in the R community.Contact Forwards
You can find more information on Forwards here and follow us on Twitter.
Our mission is to provide a space of belonging and support for people who identify as underrepresented minority R useRs. We also provide opportunities for underrepresented minority R useRs to contribute to the R community in various aspects. To learn more about why MiR was started, read this Medium post.Contact MiR
Follow us on Twitter. Complete this form to join MiR as a member or an ally: MiR Community Registration Form
Africa R is a consortium of passionate Africa R user groups and users innovating with R every day, and are inspired to share their experience as well as communicate their findings to a global audience. This consortium was birthed from the underrepresentation and minority involvement of the African population in every role and area of participation, whether as R developers, conference speakers, educators, users, researchers, leaders and package maintainers. As a community, our mission is to achieve improved representation by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering the African population of all genders who are underrepresented in the global R community. The primary objective of Africa R is to support already existing R Users across Africa, and R enthusiasts to embrace the full potential of R programming, through fostering a collaborative continental network of R gurus, mentors, learners, developers and leaders, to help facilitate individual and collective progress worldwide.Contact AfricaR
You can find more information on AfricaR in our website and follow us on Twitter .